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Java 11 Modularity and Spring REST

I have recently started working on creating a REST API for a client project.  I was using Java 8 for my past developments. Since Java 11 was introduced in the last September  ( I thought of developing the REST API in Java 11. Java 11 is having major changes after Java 8. Java 11 is having a concept of modules (This was introduced after Java 9). Several libraries are acting as separate modules. Those are not included in JDK and those have to be imported separately. Ref : (I have experienced this in JBoss7 also. They were using the module system and each service can specify which modules which are using. Those modules can be manually configured by the user.) One example is that you have to import the Java fx library separately (For GUI). Java-Fx is decoupled from JDK. <!-- -->         <dependency>            
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SVN to GIT Migration with revision history

This blog explains the process I have followed while moving one of code branch of one of the projects to Gitlab. SVN to Git migration can be done using the git-svn command in Git.  Documentation about this command can be found from here. My Company svn repository can be accessed using two ways svn+ssh://192.168.x.x/usr/local/ svnroot/branches/PROJECT/PROJECT_BRANCH PROJECT/PROJECT_BRANCH SVN to GIT migration can be done using one of the above-mentioned URLs.  Git can be installed and configured to use its inbuilt SSH client or third party ssh client ( ) First of all, this process should be run in a server where the system does not go idle. I have tried this on my PC. But when I have locked the PC, it crashes. Therefore I have tried this in one of our internal server. I have tried to get SVN revision history when the Project ma

Introduction to GitLab - Initial configuration

In order to use GitLab, the user has to install git in your PC. reference: Git can be downloaded using the following URL reference: Then the user can check out the code using the given URL to the git repository. copy the URL and use it in git-bash or IntelliJ Idea. you have to use the URL without changing. I have installed IntelliJ Idea in my local PC. I am trying to clone the uploaded repository to a separate location. I have tried to checkout using the following screen There was an issue as “permission denied (publickey gssapi-keyex gssapi-with-mic) ”. The solution is to add an ssh key to GitLab account. Go to .ssh folder in c://users/xxx/ folder. Then open command window (Ex : git bash) Then type ssh-keygen Then open and put the ssh key in the giltlab account. Profile setting -> SSH Keys Reference:

President - Association of Computer Engineering Students

I was selected to be the president of ACES, Association of Computer Engineering Students, the official student body of the Department of Computer Engineering Students. ACES Site :  It was a great opportunity to work with fellow undergraduates, lecturers, senior graduates, and industry. Until now We were able to organize few events in University of Peradeniya and Colombo. This event was organized by ACES Council, a group of 14 undergraduates. The events are, ACES Hackathon - This is an inner hackathon for undergraduates in the University of Peradeniya. ACES Hackathon, held annually for the last 5 years was held from the 29th of April to the 1st of May 2016 at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. The Hackathon brings together undergraduates from the Faculty of Engineering and Science for 3 days to develop their creative skills to provide innovative IT solutions. This year there were 150+ participants.

Twitter login for web site - Tutorial

Youtube tutorial Twitter with angular js.

Google Summer of Code 2016

This year also I worked on Google Summer of code 2016. This year there were lot of changes from google side. First thing was that   Carol Smith from gsoc and new manager for gsoc is  Stephanie Taylor. After new manager, they left the old melange site and migrated to new site This time I worked on proposal to create an rest api and ui for JBoss Unified KIE Server. Idea details KIE Management Application (with REST api and UI) Status:  Final Summary of idea:  Build management extension and UI for KIE Server The project is about creating management extension to KIE Server (lightweight embeddable rule, process execution server) to manage it remotely. Typical management operations are: - manage containers (deploy/undeploy, upgrade etc) - view process instances and perform administration actions on them like cancelling, migrating etc - view tasks as admin - delegate, forward, alter properties -